
วันเสาร์ที่ 30 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Context Clues EX.


context clue

Text book writers usually know when they must use a word that will be new to their student readers. So they often include other words or phrases to help with the understanding of the new word. These words or phrases are referred to as context clues. They are built into the sentences around the difficult word. If you become more aware of the words around the difficult words you encounter in your reading, you will save your self many trips to the dictionary. You will be able to make logical guesses about the meanings of many words.

 1. examples
 2. synonyms and definitions
 3. antonyms and contrasts
 4. experience or sense of the sentence
Using examples or illustrations, an author tries to show what a word means. A writer may give just one example or several. Remember that these examples are not synonyms. Look for words or phrases like "such as," "including," or "consists of." Colons (:) and dashes (-) can also signal examples.
The river was full of noxious materials such as cleaning agents from factories and pesticides from the nearby farms.
This third grade was full of precocious children. One child had learned to read at two and another could do algebra at age 6.
When going to an office party you should show your bestdecorum, for example, dress your bestdrink and eat moderately, and be sure to thank the host before you leave.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

Summarize the lesson (Linking words- cause and effect relationship)

How to Use “Linking Words” to state Cause and Effect
Giving a reason (Cause)
Due to / due to the fact that
Owing to / owing to the fact that
Because of
Due to and owing to must be followed by a noun.
"Due to the rise in oil prices, the inflation rate rose by 1.25%."
"Owing to the demand, we are unable to supply all items within 2 weeks."
If you want to follow these words with a clause (a subject, verb and object), you must follow the words with the fact that.
"Due to the fact that oil prices have risen, the inflation rate has gone up by 1%25."
"Owing to the fact that the workers have gone on strike, the company has been unable to fulfil all its orders."
Because / because of
Because of is followed by a noun.
"Because of bad weather, the football match was postponed."
Because can be used at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. For example, "Because it was raining, the match was postponed."
"We believe in incentive schemes, because we want our employees to be more productive."
Since / as
Since and as mean because.
"Since the company is expanding, we need to hire more staff."
"As the company is expanding, we need to hire more staff."
Giving a result (Effect)
This means that
As a result
Therefore, so, consequently and as a result are all used in a similar way.
"The company are expanding. Therefore / So / Consequently / As a result, they are taking on extra staff."
So is more informal.                                                                                                                         Review of Cause and Effect Linking Words
Bbefore you go on to work on the grammar and writing exercises in this unit, read through this brief review of linking words and phrases for cause and effect.There are three main types of linking words: conjunctions, transitions, and prepositions:

วันเสาร์ที่ 9 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555


Understanding Cause and effect
Read the cause and write an effect. Then write one full sentence that states
the cause and effect.
     1.   CauseA storm hit the city.
EffectAll the residents fled.
SentenceA storm hit the city, so all the residents fled.
     2.   Cause: I planted some trees.
Effect: Trees grow.
Sentence: Trees grow because I planted some trees.
     3.    Cause: My sister stayed up past midnight.
Effect: She relax a little and sleep a little.
Sentence: My sister stayed up past midnight was the reason for the relax and sleep a little.
     4.   Cause: Lena missed school on Monday.
Effect: Lena don’t study on Monday .
Sentence: Lena don’t study on Monday was caused by the missed school on Monday.
     5.   Cause: David signed up for French classes.
Effect: David study French classes. David speaks French very well.
Sentence: David signed up for French classes were the cause of the study French classes. David speaks French very well because of the signed up for French classes.


 Understanding Cause and effect
Read each sentence. Then complete the table.
  1. Tony was away from school as he was in the hospital.
  2. Pen-chan was scared, so she called for help.
  3. There was a strike and the buses did not ply.
  4. The plants died as there was no water.
  5. Eric forget his swimsuit and therefore could not swim.
  6. The street lights were switched on, so we could see our way.
  7. The match was abandoned when it rained.
  8. He lost control of his car as the brakes were faulty.

Linking word
1. he was in the hospital.
1. Tony was away from school.
1. as
2. Pen-chan was scared.
2. she called for help.
2. so
3. There was a strike.
3. the buses did not ply.
3. and
4. there was no water.
4. The plants died.
4. as
5. Eric forget his swimsuit.
5. could not swim.                    
5. and, therefore 
6. The street lights were switched on.
6. we could see our way.          
6. so
7. it rained.                                              
7. The match was abandoned.  
7. when                
8. the brakes were faulty.
8. He lost control of his car.
8. as

Summarize the lesson (Understanding cause and effect)

A cause is something that makes something else happen.  Out of two events, it is the event that happens first. To determine the cause, ask the question"Why Did it Happen?" 

An effect is what happens as a result of the cause.  Of two related events, it’s the one that happens second or last.  To determine the effect, ask the question"What Happened?"
The boy kicked the ball.
The ball rolled.
The girl teased the cat.
The cat growled.
Sally studied hard for a test.
Sally earned an A on her test.
Joe became really tired.
Joe went to sleep early.