
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2556

The Preposition

The Preposition
                    On, in, and beside are all prepositions. They are showing where the puppy is. Prepositions can also show location in time. Read the next three examples:
  • At midnight, Jill craved mashed potatoes with grape jelly.
  • In the spring, I always vow to plant tomatoes but end up buying them at the supermarket.
  • During the marathon, Iggy's legs complained with sharp pains shooting up his thighs. 


Understand how to form a prepositional phrase.

Prepositions generally introduce prepositional phrases. Prepositional phrases look like this:
preposition + optional modifiers

+ oun, pronoun, or gerund

Here are some examples:

At school

At = preposition; school = noun.
According to us 
According to = preposition; us = pronoun. 

By chewing

By = preposition; chewing = gerund. 

Under the stove

Under = preposition; the = modifier; stove = noun. 

In the crumb-filled, rumpled sheets

In = preposition; the, crumb-filled, rumpled = modifiers; sheets = noun. 


